This week, we are being introduced to some of the key ideas behind Web 2.0.
What is it? How does it work? Why is it new?
What is it? How does it work? Why is it new?
There's no doubt the Internet is changing and the Web is catching up!
As technology advances things get faster and more stream-lined.What is the Internet?
the internet is everything and more....coming soon!
23.03.11 | WEB 2.0 |
my thoughts...
I think Web 2.0 is relating to 'Social Networking' where the internet became more interactive with the users participating actively rather than passively. I haven't watched the lecture or read the activities yet, so I am sure there is more to it than that. Web 1.0 was more about information receiving rather than sending.
After watching the video….well of course it's a lot more than that but basically it is that we are using the web more than before and interacting and collaborating rather than passively watching or seeking information.
I feel a lot better about my Web Presence Assignment now, because I felt I have been delaying a bit with picking a theme, but at least I'm settling on a Blog (have already opened more than one…!) and I feel comfortable that Tama said we have time to sort that out….don't have to do it all in week 1! So I have time to think and plan and decide and to experiment a little ….I'm still tossing up between journal/uni experience [but that's probably more suited to the Learning Portfolio Assignment rather than a Web Presence] and something to do with Art/uni or Art/project e.g. Art Let/Art Space or perhaps My Art…and my progress?
...and what is RSS?
The acronym RSS stands for many versions of the same thing.
- Really Simple Syndication
- Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
- Real-time Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
Gil, P. (2010). RSS - What is RSS? ABOUT.COM GUIDE. Retrieved from <> accessed 27.03.11
Subject: RE: Official thread: RSS Reading
Author: Susan Baumgartner
Posted date: Friday, March 25, 2011 9:32:47 PM WST
Last modified date: Friday, March 25, 2011 9:32:47 PM WST
Total views: 2 Your views: 2
1a. Do you think RSS will go the way of the Dodo? I think RSS will remain in some form or another - in the world of technology there is always room for improvement - some bright spark will probably come up with a modified version to save space and an edited version of the feed for example that you can link to if you want to read more.
1b. Has the use of RSS changed since 2009? In essence RSS hasn't changed much, although it has become more accessible and more available where anyone can have it on their Blog now rather than just the major news providers or the tech experts and we can access it via mobile networks.
2. Within the context of the new XML/HTML reading platforms - such as the iPad, Kindle and other mobile devices, how might "the incremental" web (RSS) be used in the future? It will continue to be used to motivate, educate, inform and communicate and it could possibly take the place of written press and magazines in print form.
3. Is such a mobile news stream changing the way we use the web to communicate?
I think it has some influence on how we search the net, because we are choosing to view specific feeds, rather than having to search indiscriminately, and this also makes it easier to share the information via social networks or for the readers of our blogs. It also has the potential to reduce the time we sit at the computer, because if we access the main activities or news feeds on our mobile/iPad/ or kindle, we can get to where we are going much faster as we can do these things before we even get out of bed, and then get up informed and get dressed and go on our way....and when we get to work, we don't have to waste time checking facebook, or the like, as we already have accessed the main information.
4. Is there such a thing as information overload? Definitely!
The Internet in itself is the biggest information overload yet invented, and it would be near impossible to access all the information available over the net. I don't read newspapers anymore - who has the time? - actually, I don't actively go out of my way to access any news feeds, because in my normal day to day activities I 'get' the news whether I want it or not. For example, anything that is happening in the world that is worth knowing about, is already broadcast over twitter or facebook almost the instant it happens, so when I go to check my messages or log onto facebook for a chat, whatever has happened is already there. Someone in my network has 'discovered' it and broadcast it and I find that since twitter and facebook came on the scene, I watch less television because it is 'old news' and I have more time to do the things I enjoy - like sitting in front of the computer and studying...
Susi B
Leaver, T. (2010). Module 2 Introduction - What is Web 2.0? [Lecture notes] Retrieved from <>
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