Resources & ReferencesIt is expected that you spend some time each week building your visual literacy and knowledge. This can be done by reviewing any number of current journals, by reading widely, by visiting art galleries and by making yourself familiar with the work of other artists. A selection of resources and references is presented below. This is only a recommendation and we encourage you to follow your own interests and seek out others. You may have difficulty in accessing all of the following services and resources if you do not live in or near a major centre. We recommend that you inform yourself of local library services and find out which books/videos can be accessed through them, explore website options and subscribe to journals. Local libraries can also provide you with access to the Internet. You may eventually wish to buy your own texts: is an excellent source on the Internet to purchase books from. Thames and Hudson have also released a CD-ROM, The Thames and Hudson Multimedia Dictionary of Modern Art. For more information, email them on or look up their website at! The more initiatives you take for yourself, the more you will benefit from this course.
GeneralArt Articles
JournalsThere is a large range of art journals available. It is a good idea to get to know the house style of various journals and then subscribe to one or two if you can afford it. Your local library may subscribe to some of these or you may put in a request to them for subscription. Alternatively, many journals have current issues that can be accessed through the internet. Web addresses have been included here when available. For updated information of journals and websites view the students resources on the artyfacts website. Art and Asia Pacific
GalleriesWherever you live, it is important to visit galleries and see work in the flesh. It cannot be stressed enough that the genuine experience gained before an art work fine tunes your sensibilities and critical faculties. If you live in an isolated area inform yourself of local exhibitions and regional art galleries. Your state art gallery is a good starting point and should be able to help you. Journals such as Art and Australia are also good sources of galleries to visit, often listing art directories and upcoming events in the back. You can also subscribe to art gallery memberships or place your name on invitation lists for upcoming shows. If necessary, make regular pilgrimages to state capitals or regional centres so that you may access live art. State Galleries(All of these galleries have websites) Art Gallery of New South WalesRegional Art Galleries- There are many more than those listed here. ART ON THE MOVE has branches in all states and can supply you with other galleries and events closer to you.
- Albury Regional Art Gallery, NSW
- Araluen Centre, Alice Springs, NT
- Ballidu Lodge Art Gallery, WA
- Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, VIC
- Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, NSW
- Benalla Art Gallery, VIC
- Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC
- Berrima District Art Society, Bowral, NSW
- Broken Hill City Art Gallery, NSW
- Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, WA
- Burnie Regional Art Gallery, TAS
- Cairns Regional Gallery, Far North QLD
- Campbelltown City Bicentennial Art Gallery, NSW
- Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, NSW
- Dacou Aboriginal Gallery, Salisbury Plain, SA
- Drill Hall Gallery, Acton, ACT
- Dubbo Regional Art Gallery, NSW
- Durack Gallery, Broome, WA
- Fairfield Regional Heritage Centre, Smithfield, NSW
- Gallery Gondwana, Alice Springs, NT
- Gascoyne Art Gallery, Carnarvon, WA
- Geelong Art Gallery, Vic
- Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, WA
- Gippsland Art Gallery, Sale, VIC
- Gladstone Regional Art Gallery and Museum, QLD
- Goldfields Art Centre Gallery, Kalgoorlie, WA
- Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW
- Gunyulgup Galleries, Yallingup, WA
- Lake Macquarie City Gallery, Booragul, NSW
- La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC
- Lismore Regional Art Gallery, NSW
- Logan Art Gallery, QLD
- Maitland City Art Gallery, NSW
- Mangkaja Arts Aboriginal Corporation, Fitzroy Crossing, WA
- Mildura Arts Centre, VIC
- Moree Plains Gallery, NSW
- Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, VIC
- Narrogin Gallery, Narrogin, WA
- New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale, NSW
- Newcastle Region Art Gallery, NSW
- Nolan Gallery, Thowra, ACT
- Noosa Regional Gallery, QLD
- Orange Regional Gallery, NSW
- Penrith Regional Gallery, Emu Plains, NSW
- Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, QLD
- Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart, TAS
- Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS
- Rockhampton Art Gallery, QLD
- Shepparton Art Gallery, VIC
- Southern Highlands Regional Gallery, Moss Vale, NSW
- Stanthorpe Art Gallery, QLD
- Swan Hill Regional Gallery, VIC
- Tamworth City Gallery, NSW
- The Cannery Arts Centre, Esperance, WA
- Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery
- Tweed River Regional Gallery, Murwillumbah, NSW
- Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany, WA
- Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, NSW
- Walker St. Gallery, Dandenong, VIC
- Wollongong City Gallery, NSW
Art on the WebWhen you cannot travel to galleries, the internet again provides options. Many Australian galleries have websites, or are in the process of setting up websites (those that do are listed above). The following are other suggestions and any search of the Net under museums or art gallery will provide you with the addresses of many more. We remind you that websites are dynamic and not all are of consistent quality. The web addresses in bold text are particularly good. - Websites for general searches include
- Adelaide Central Gallery, Adelaide
- Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Ontario
- Art 1999 Chicago, art fair
- Art Beatus Gallery, Ltd., Vancouver & Hong Kong
- Art First, London
- Austral Gallery, St. Louis
- Canberra School of Art Gallery, Canberra
- Centre Georges Pompidou
- Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth
- Gallery Espace, New Delhi
- Gallery K, London
- Hayward Gallery, London
- International Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art in Europe http//
- Monash University Gallery, Clayton, Vic
- Niagara Galleries, Melbourne
- Pace Wildenstein, New York
- Pacific Age Art, Auckland
- Sherman Galleries, Sydney
- Soho Galleries, Sydney
- The More Gallery, Philadelphia
- The National Portrait Gallery, London
- University of South Australia Art Museum, Underdale
- UTS Gallery, Sydney
BooksThis is only a brief list of some useful beginning texts. Do not forget a good quality dictionary such as the Oxford Dictionary or Macquarie Dictionary. Art History
Drury, N. | Images 1: Contemporary Australian Paintings, Craftsman House, NSW, 1992 |
| Images 2: Contemporary Australian Paintings, Craftsman House, NSW, 1994 |
| Images 3: Contemporary Australian Paintings, Craftsman House, NSW, 1998 |
Harrison, C. & Wood, P. | Art in Theory; 1900 - 1990; An Anthology of Changing Ideas, Blackwell Publishers Inc., Oxford, 1997 |
| Art in Theory; 1815 - 1900, Blackwell Publishers Inc. |
Hughes, R. | The Art of Australia, Penguin, Melbourne, 1970 |
| The Shock of the New, BBC, London, 1980 |
Lucie-Smith, E. | Art and Civilisation, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1992 |
Stokstad, M. | Art History, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1995 |
Critical Writing
Graham-Dixon, A. | Paper Museum; Writings about painting, mostly, Fontana Press, London, 1997 |
Hughes, R. | Nothing if Not Critical, Harper Collins Publishers, London, 1990 |
Sylvester, D. | About Modern Art: Critical Essays 1948-1997, Random House Australia Pty. Ltd., Sydney, 1997 |
Atkins, R. | Artspeak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements and Buzzwords, Abbeville Press Publishers, New York, 1990 |
Murray, P. & L. | A Dictionary of Art and Artists, Penguin, London, 1968 |
Technical Information
Edwards, B. | Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Fontana Paperbacks, Glasgow 1982 |
McCann, M. | Artist Beware, Watson-Guptill Publishers, New York, 1979 |
Stephenson, J. | The Materials and Techniques of Painting, Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, 1989 |
Berger, J. | Ways of Seeing, BBC, London, 1972 |
| About Looking, Pantheon, New York, 1980 |
Bryson, B, Holly, Moxley, K | Visual Theory, Polity Press,Cambridge,1991 |