Online Resources (NED11)
Web Design:
"The other thing that is different about this class when compared to Web101 (that I'm currently marking) is that you can cite (and we would rather you do this) industry experts rather than academics.
These sites are all valid resources and, naturally, if you find any others, post them in resources."
- Web Design Depot
- Six Revisions
- Top 10 Design Mistakes
(Edwin Lynch, Tutor, WEB101 & NED11 from
- Image placeholders: &
See also CSS Section Below
- W3Schools:
- HTML Goodies:
- HTML Code Tutorial:
- HTML Code Tutorial:
- CREATE Your Own Webpage:
- What's Lorem Ipsum?
CSS Design Sites
- CSS Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design :: Graphic artists create some fantastic designs for the Zen Garden by changing only the CSS.
- A List Apart :: explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on techniques and benefits of designing with web standards.[see also The ALA Primer: A Guide for New Readers by Erin Lynch]
- css/edge :: Eric A. Meyer's CSS site with a selection of examples.
- CSS Beauty :: A showcase of well-designed CSS based websites from around the world. It's a great place to find inspiration for your own designs.
- CSS Vault :: Another great site to explore for inspiration. It also has links to articles about CSS design.
- Listamatic :: Everything you ever wanted to know about how to style lists.
- Position is Everything :: If you want to try a new layout using CSS, this is a good place to start. This site has just about everything you'll need for a variety of different layouts, including the workarounds you'll need for buggy browsers.
- The CSS Spec :: Very technical, but hey, it's the definition of CSS. This is the official documentation for CSS at the W3C.
[Retrieved from and]
CSS Tutorials
- 10 CSS3 Properties you Need to be Familiar With
- The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize
- Getting to Work with CSS3 Power Tools
- Mimic Equal Columns with CSS3 Gradients
- A Crash-Course in CSS Media Queries
- The Multi-Column CSS3 Module
- Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS3
- Typography that you'd Swear Was Made in Photoshop
- Detect CSS Support with JavaScript
- CSS3 Transitions: Fundamentals
- Ever Thought About Using Font-Face for Icons?
- The Intricacy of Simplicity
- The State of CSS3 in Email Templates
- Getting Clever with CSS3 Shadows
- Build Awesome Practical CSS3 Buttons
- How to Build a Kick-Butt CSS3 Mega Drop-Down Menu
12 Common Mistakes Designers Make and How to Avoid Them
- Jakob Nielson (usability guru)
- Eric Mayer (CSS guru)
- Leslie Cabarga (designy guy)
- Jeffrey Zeldman (
- Jeffrey Way - tutorials
12 Common Mistakes Designers Make and How to Avoid Them
How To: