Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Beginning

Web Reflections for WEB101

A new Unit => another new Blog! Starting 2 Units was a great idea to get a bit of a catch up on the Level 1 requirements for my BA Fine Arts and Visual Culture....but after the initial euphoria starts to dissipate, the real work begins and one needs to assess and do a bit of a reflection before it gets out of hand. As part of my new Unit WEB101 - Web Communications, I am required to keep a Reflections Portfolio as a running review on how I am managing with the Unit and the exercises. I had started to record the information and review in OneNote, which is a great tool for collecting and collating as well as organising information, but I find a Blog is better for keeping a running record of events and findings in a logical and archival sense, like a journal.
So this is the beginning and an introduction to my new reflections blog - with the title: 'Uni Thoughts'.

If you are interested to follow my progress, you can 'follow my Blog' just over on the right hand side there ==> and I'll follow you back.

thanks for visiting!

Here's and Intro from Dr Sky Croeser our Head Tutor for WEB101

Reflection for Week 1
I particularly enjoyed the iLectures because they are really easy to follow, especially with the slides and the side notes that are included in the video, so that if you miss something, you have the chance to catch up by referring to the slide on the side. And of course with videos, you can stop and start and replay as often as you need to and take notes at your leisure, as opposed to 'live' in a lecture room.

Leaver, T. (2010). Module 1: What is the internet? [Course notes]. Retrieved from
Leaver, T. (2010) .What is the internet? [Lecture]. Retrieved from